
End of Year Write-Offs

As increasing interest rates have bitten and with industry sectors such as retail and construction not performing as strongly, some businesses are struggling. As the end of the financial year approaches, now is a good time to assess whether any of your accounts receivable need to be written off as ‘bad’.

Trust Disclosure Regime

After the introduction of the Trust Disclosure rules in March 2022, in November 2023 Inland Revenue released a high-level summary (in the form of a 40-page report) of insights from the first year of reporting. While tax advisors and clients alike may have begrudgingly completed the disclosures initially, the statistics may prove to be interesting.

De Facto Relationship or Not?

The Working for Families Tax Credit (WFFTC) is a notoriously complex scheme when it comes to determining eligibility and quantifying entitlement. This leads you to wonder how well the scheme is policed by Inland Revenue, and whether fraud is able to ‘fly under the radar’.

Beware of Deemed Dividends

The concept of what is a “dividend” is very broad and starts with the default proposition that any transfer of value from a company to a shareholder is a dividend. That concept includes the simple scenario of an interest free loan to a shareholder or a person associated to a shareholder; which can also include loans between companies.

Budget 2023 - Our view

In the shadow of Cyclone Gabrielle, this year's budget focuses on cost of living and cyclone and flooding recovery, with the sights being shifted and narrowed down on skills, science and infrastructure to help grow the economy and make it more productive and secure.

FBT on motor vehicles refresher

Calculating Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on motor vehicles can be complex, due to the various permutations that can exist depending on the use of the vehicle, its type and the approach adopted by the employer. As a result, it is very common for businesses to get the calculation wrong.

Proposed amendment to directors’ duty

One of the fundamental director’s duties within the NZ Companies Act 1993 (‘the Act’) is to act in good faith and in what the director believes to be the best interest of the company. This has traditionally been interpreted to mean decisions should be aimed at maximising shareholder returns.

Environmental correctness

The call for action regarding climate change and mitigating man’s negative impact on the planet is not new. However, there has been a shift in the last few years. It has moved from being a focus of ‘greenies’ and the ‘young’ to being accepted by the mainstream population as something that can no longer be ignored.

Deductibility of holding costs for land

On 31 March 2023, Inland Revenue released a draft interpretation statement (PUB00417) addressing the deductibility of land holding costs - namely, interest, rates and insurance - and the relevance of whether the land is taxed on disposal. How will this affect you?

Growth is aspiration of new Associate

Stuart Hansen has been appointed as our Auckland firm’s newest Associate. After leaving a career as a paramedic, Stuart decided he wanted his new role to lead on to management and ultimately partnership. He is definitely on his way.

Rollover relief for close relationship transfers

Parents wishing to assist their children with buying residential property should carefully consider the ownership structure and alternate options before settlement. Inland Revenue has issued a draft interpretation regarding bright-line application in family and close relationship transactions.

‘New builds’ discussion document

Inland Revenue’s “Design of the interest limitation rule and additional bright-line rules” document provides clarification on the proposed rules and seeks feedback on certain elements regarding the tax deductibility of interest on residential investment properties and the extension of the bright-line period to 10 years.