New Zealand's only pair of Snow Leopards arrive at Wellington Zoo
Wellington Zoo is a not-for-profit conservation trust that cares for over 500 different animal species including large animals such as elephants, lions, tigers, right down to tarantulas.
A nudge gets Abby’s career off the ground
Abby Martin from Whanganui wanted to stay in Wellington after she completed her B Comm degree for the career opportunities a big city can provide. Now her career is underway with our Wellington firm. We share how that came to be.
ICHC | Markhams move a win for chaplain provider
A switch to Moore Markhams Wellington has given ICHC improved, comprehensive financial support as demand for its chaplaincy services in hospitals remains strong.
Driscoll Motors | A century of service
Wellington’s Driscoll Motors will clock up 100 years in business next year, owing to its adaptability and proud history of strong customer service. Moore Markhams Wellington has helped them on that journey.
StudioCDesign | A design for success
It’s an unlikely genesis for a successful design company, but when Celeste and Glen Skachill set up StudioCDesign, they went bush. Bruce Stormer, Moore Markhams director guided the couple and continues to mentor them as their business grows.
Empowering girls to change their world
Moore Markhams is delighted to support GirlGuiding New Zealand to train volunteers providing leadership to girls around the country so they can discover their passions, contribute to their communities, and form friendships in a safe and positive space.
Fellowship award for Wellington director
Bruce Stormer, a director in our Wellington business advisory firm, has been made a Fellow of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand.
Hutt City Podiatry | Helping those from all walks of life
Ashleigh Steiner's experience as a top-level competitive gymnast has given her a thorough understanding of sports medicine and rehabilitation within the podiatry profession.
From unsure to leader, Deron grows with Outward Bound
Henderson High School Year 12 Deron Tildsley arrived at Outward Bound “real unsure”. 21 days later he left with the knowledge that he has the confidence and leadership skills to aim for head boy next year.
Luatola Semisi | Being alone with your thoughts is OK
Learning to be comfortable in her own thoughts, is one of the key benefits that Luatolu Semisi gained from her time at a 21-day Outward Bound programme, supported by Moore Markhams.
Paremata Auto Services | New owners bringing fresh drive to motor business
After a false start due to Covid-19, Simon Munro and his partner Charlotte Cudby, have bought Paremata Auto Services, with the added bonus that it’s just down the road from their home.
Morrison Design | Designers in demand
Covid-19 put construction projects on ice and sent shivers through the economy, but Wellington firm Morrison Design says there’s been no cooling off in demand for its services.
Three Tree Landscaping | Kick starting in Covid
Stefan Curry leapt into starting his own business Three Tree Landscaping one month before the Covid-19 pandemic put NZ into lockdown.
Building confidence and self-belief, benefits of Outward Bound for Caeli
Caeli O’Brien is happy to tell anyone that Outward Bound is an incredible, not-to-be-missed opportunity.
Outward Bound grows mana
To say that Outward Bound put Tawa College student, George Te’o out of his comfort zone would be an understatement.
Helen Reeves – retiring the red pen
Helen Reeves is a stickler for accuracy with a knack for numbers – little wonder then that she wound up a senior manager at Moore Markhams Wellington.
Overcoming fears and learning resilience through Outward Bound
Samuel Chadwick has conquered his biggest fear and realised the strength of his mind in tackling challenges – all as a result of a 21-day Outward Bound Mind, Body and Soul course. We’re proud to have supported Samuel in his adventure.