
Challenges and opportunities in a turbulent job market

Almost two years into a global health crisis that many could not have imagined in their lifetime, the concept of lockdowns, working from home, a fading connection to the workplace, and the overwhelming feeling of burn-out is driving a surge in resignations in many countries. Is this likely in NZ?

Are you ready for Delta in 2022?

The Delta variety of Covid could easily have been called Covid-20 or Covid-21. Now would seem a good time to be thinking about how this disease is going to affect your business into the future and what you’re going to do about it, if anything.


This time last year, the Budget dealt mainly with the Government’s economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic with support for business very much to the fore. In 2021, that focus has shifted to improving the wellbeing of New Zealanders and, in particular, those on the lowest incomes.

New $40 Million COVID-19 Fund Opens

If you’re an iwi, hapū or community that has a social initiative to keep NZ safe and resilient, you should check out this new fund worth $40million to support community and social initiatives, marae, community facilities, heritage, environment activities, outdoor safety, health research and individuals with disabilities.

Setting sales targets

How do you set attainable sales targets in a crisis? We’ll talk you through your business aims, profit goals, and historic sales performance, to set targets that truly deliver on your goals.

Cutting costs or increasing your prices? We can help

With more than 85 percent of SMEs expecting a lower profit in the next nine months, the more prepared you can be for the unexpected, the better. Talk to us about smart ways to get your costs under control or whether you need to increase your prices. We share thoughts here.

Get in control of cashflow

Does your business need to improve its cash position? Poor cashflow is a problem for many businesses, whether you’re a start-up or an established family business. Talk to us about how you can get proactive with cashflow management.

How NOT to manage working from home

How do you adapt the traditional working day to suit a remote workforce? The best place to start is to ask employees for their feedback. Here are some common practices that don't replicate to the home office.

The fundamentals of a business budget

We believe having a budget is essential for business success. Talk to us about creating a useful budget in your accounting software as a practical business management tool. We’d love to help you start planning for a great 2021 financial year!

Efficiency through automation

Technology can be transformative: improving leverage, consistency, efficiency, risk management, induction and training, scalability and saleability. What software have you adopted Post Covid as part of your Business Recovery Plan?

What are your critical numbers?

The Covid-19 crisis has created a ‘new normal’ for businesses. Traditional ways of working are being challenged and we now need to innovate, adapt, re-engineer, and reinvent the way we work.

Support for commercial rent disputes

Many commercial lease arrangements in New Zealand have been affected by the response to COVID-19. Tenants may be unable to pay their rent as their business is not fully operating or generating sufficient income. Landlords may also be unable to meet their mortgage payments.

How do you invoice during a crisis?

It’s not easy to request payment right now but it is important to keep cash flowing into your business. As with all business dealings at them moment, a little empathy and a lot of open communication can go a long way.

Cashflow and cost control crucial now

Keeping everything running is the priority for now, whether you’re in recovery or growth mode. Regular cashflow forecasts will help you make informed decisions. And controlling your costs will potentially free up cash. We share more here.