From Intern to Manager

From Intern to Manager

Starting your career and taking the first steps on that all important ladder is an exciting and transformative experience. Tom Offen, a Manager at Moore Markhams Otago, shares his story, starting as an intern and progressing through the ranks. Read on as he sheds a light on his journey, the diverse range of clients he works with, and his passion for the accounting profession. Tom also delves into the evolving role of technology in the industry and the importance of maintaining strong relationships with clients.

From Intern to Junior Accountant:

Tom's journey with Moore Markhams Otago began as an intern during his accounting degree at the Polytech in Dunedin. As part of his curriculum, Tom had the opportunity to work on an industry project with the firm, focusing on software implementations. After graduating in 2017, he joined the company as a junior accountant, working his way up through various positions and collaborating with different directors. "I started in the Dunedin firm as an intern, as part of my degree at the Polytech in Dunedin," Tom shares, reflecting on his early days. "From graduating, I got a job there as a junior accountant. And now, I'm a manager here at Moore Markhams Otago. It has been quite a journey."


Working with Diverse Clients:

Tom's role as a manager at Moore Markhams exposes him to a wide range of clients across various industries. From industry leaders to commercial property and services sectors like construction and electrical, every day presents a new challenge and an opportunity to work with different clients. Tom highlights the excitement of encountering diverse files and industries, emphasising that accounting professionals are not confined to a single sector. This is where his passion for his work is most evident. "What I love about my job is the diverse range of clients and industries I work with," he explains enthusiastically. “Accountants truly are the business behind the businesses that are at the heart of our economy. Every day, a different file comes across my desk, and I come across a different sector. It keeps things interesting and challenging, whilst giving you the feeling you are contributing something meaningful."

Beyond the numbers and calculations, Tom cherishes the relationships he has built with his clients and colleagues. "The relationships I have with my clients and colleagues are something I didn't anticipate enjoying as much as I do," he admits. "It's not just about numbers and calculations. There's a personal connection that can't be replaced by automation."


The Influence of Automation and Technology

While advancements in technology and artificial intelligence have raised concerns about the future of many professions, Tom remains optimistic about the role of accountants and business advisors. "While there's plenty of talk about AI and automation, I believe there will always be a place for us," he asserts confidently. "Technology has already transformed the industry, but it will likely focus more on softer skills and high-level interactions, while the processing side can potentially be automated as the technology improves."


Passion for Problem-Solving and Relationship Building:

Two aspects of his job stand out as sources of excitement for Tom. Firstly, he enjoys the problem-solving aspect, where clients approach him with various challenges that require creative solutions. "Clients come to us with various problems, and it's rewarding to work through them and make complex situations simpler," he explains. "It's a challenge I enjoy."

Secondly, he finds fulfilment in building relationships with clients and observing successful individuals across different industries. Recognising common characteristics among these successful individuals provides valuable insights and inspiration for his own career.


Work-Life Balance and Supportive Culture:

As Tom progressed in his career, he got married and now has two children. Achieving a work-life balance has become increasingly important. "Finding a work-life balance has been crucial, especially as I now have a family," he emphasises. "Moore Markhams has been incredibly supportive, understanding the importance of being there for milestones and providing flexibility. It's a balance that requires effort but is essential to keep everyone happy."


Training and Learning Opportunities:

Training and Personal Development are important in the Moore Markhams and the Moore Global network. In terms of his professional development, Tom appreciates the support and opportunities provided by both networks. "In terms of training and progression, I've found Moore Markhams to be very supportive," he shares. "The network provides opportunities to access training and learn from colleagues in similar situations. The annual conference always has great speakers, and programs like Moore Ambition have been valuable for professional development."


Finding a supportive environment is paramount:

When asked if he had any final words of wisdom for upcoming graduates, Tom was quick to answer: "Surround yourself with mentors, colleagues, and friends who will uplift and support you. Seek out organisations like Moore Markhams that invest in your growth and provide a platform for you to shine."