Employers need to get creative to attract and retain staff
The labour market is tight and seems to be getting tighter with each passing month. Recruitment for staff is challenging. What is driving it? Is it a NZ issue only? Is there a wider global issue at play?
Fair Pay Agreements: what do you need to know?
The Fair Pay Agreements came into effect on December 1 – what is it, and what will it mean for your business?
The employees’ market - what are the expectations?
Expectations around employee benefits are changing, with the norm shifting in the employee’s favour. For many, a 9 to 5 workday and mandatory workplace attendance are a distant memory, with flexible hours and working environments considered a bare minimum.
Retain your talent through profit sharing
Retain staff and attract new talent with profit sharing – it’s a win-win way to incentivise your team and build your business.
One-off public holiday - what rules apply?
To mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II, there will be a one-off public holiday on Monday, 26 September. What do business owners need to know about this unexpected day off?
Sick leave balances taking a hit
Whether it’s a cold, flu, a tummy bug from day-care or the notorious C-word, the amount of sick leave being taken seems higher than normal. How does NZ stack up against other countries?
Attribution vs market salary – what are the rules?
Last year’s introduction of the 39 percent tax rate for individuals who earn over $180,000 has reignited Inland Revenue’s interest in the income attribution and market salary regimes. But what are the rules?
Overseas workers could fill a vacancy at your business
With New Zealand experiencing a critical labour shortage, could you employ overseas workers to fill critical shortages at your business? Here’s how much it might cost you, how long it takes, and how to figure out if it’s worthwhile.
Are you ready for payroll changes from 1 April?
There are a number of changes to payroll that come into effect from Friday 1 April 2022 not just an increase to the minimum wage. We share these here and if you want to discuss how these impact your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The COVID-19 Short-Term Absence Payment
The COVID-19 Short-Term Absence Payment is available for businesses, including self-employed people, to help pay their workers who cannot work from home while they wait for a COVID-19 test result.
Time to count up the Fringe Benefit Tax on Christmas traditions
For employers, the Christmas period is a time to splurge a little (or a lot) on your staff. This may include a Christmas party, taking the team out for lunch or providing Christmas gifts but you could also be liable to pay Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on those perks.
Challenges and opportunities in a turbulent job market
Almost two years into a global health crisis that many could not have imagined in their lifetime, the concept of lockdowns, working from home, a fading connection to the workplace, and the overwhelming feeling of burn-out is driving a surge in resignations in many countries. Is this likely in NZ?
Reimbursement for use of telcos
‘Telecommunications usage plans’ is Inland Revenue speak for your telephone and internet connections. IR has created rules for reimbursing employees. This includes shareholder employees. We share more.
Team communication tools - what is slack?
When you have employees working from home, communication becomes more important than ever. Adding another tool may seem like a further complication right now, but this tool might be useful for your team.
Making your business attractive to Gen Z talent
Gen Z now make up 24 percent of the workforce – but is your business culture attuned to the needs of this new generation? Find out how to evolve your company and attract Gen Z talent.
Remote work is on the rise - support your virtual team
Remote workers? Make sure you have strong communication channels, and robust systems to support your flexible workers and ensure continued productivity for your business.
Could a 4-day week be a good fit for your team?
Could a 4-day week be the ideal work set-up for your business? Global trials have shown that working fewer hours leads to a happier team who are still equally as productive.
3 Tips for a better recruitment ad
The job market is running hot and candidates have plenty to choose from – here are our three top tips for writing a job listing that will stand out in the crowd.
Contractor vs employee: getting it wrong could be costly
Don’t make the mistake of mislabelling an employee as a contractor – there can be serious repercussions for getting it wrong. Here are a few tips on how to get it right.
Paid parental leave for who?
A recently released UNICEF report suggests that New Zealand’s child-care policies remain inferior among OECD countries, despite an increase to paid-parental leave introduced from July this year.
Stability and succession
The challenge of a global pandemic has emphasised the importance of a stable workforce. This is giving rise to an increase in the number of employee share scheme arrangements being put in place.
The Holidays Act is changing – but you’ll need to comply in the meantime
The Holidays Act 2003 is getting an overhaul – but you’ll still need to be compliant in the meantime. We can help you navigate this tricky piece of legislation and get your holiday pay correct.
Handling staff shortages
NZ economist Tony Alexander surveyed 22,000 of his Tony’s View subscribers recently asking what issues they were facing around staffing. He collated 170 responses, some of which he described as excellent, and shared those. Check out some of the key findings here.
Sick leave up from 5 to 10 days
From 24 July 2021, employee sick leave entitlements increase from 5 days per year to 10 days per year
Fair market salary reminder
A business needs to pay employees a fair market salary for their personal service. Given the 39 percent personal marginal income tax rate on income over $180,000 now in place, Inland Revenue’s scrutiny of such salaries is expected to increase.
New superannuation rate: are you on track for retirement?
NZ superannuation has just increased – are you on track for a comfortable retirement? It could be time to start making a few changes that will set you up for a better future. The sooner you start, the more you can build your retirement savings.
Minimum wage: expect more increases
The minimum wage hike is now in action – and it’s increased every year since 2000. This is a great time to review your pricing as costs rise.
Employment recovery
Over a year on from NZ’s level four lockdown, there have been some both highs and lows for businesses and communities. Employment levels slumped to an eight year low in September 2020, with over 150,000 unemployed people. So nearly six months on, how does the job market stack up now?
The 39 percent rate change
The top personal marginal tax rate increases to 39 percent on income over $180,000 with effect from 1 April 2021. Businesses should consider what the flow-on effects are and forward plan to ensure they are not caught off guard.
Top tips for building a strong company culture
A strong company culture underpins all successful, resilient businesses. But how do you develop and maintain a good company culture? We share some This article has some top tips.
The difference between restructuring and redundancy
If your business is looking at restructuring and possible redundancies, you need to understand the difference so you can get the process right and avoid complications, delays, or personal grievance claims.
Common employment agreement mistakes
The employment agreement is the legal basis of the relationship between you and your employee, so you want to get it right and avoid some of the most common mistakes.
Handling an employee complaint about another employee
Ignoring an employee’s complaint about a co-worker can harm your staff and your business, so you need to know how to handle it. We share thoughts to guide you through the complaint process.
Take a break – boosting your team’s morale
Now that an escape to the islands or a trip further afield to warmer climes is not possible, how can employers boost morale in this time of uncertainty?
Wage Subsidy audits – what you need to show
The Ministry of Social Development has a team of 120 auditors who are now auditing businesses on their use of Wages Subsidy payments.
Payments to staff for costs incurred working from home
Some employers have made, or intend to make, payments to employees to reimburse costs incurred by their employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Inland Revenue has clarified the tax treatment of such payments made from 17 March 2020 to 17 September 2020.
COVID-19 – paying your employees on the wage subsidy
If you have applied for or have received the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy, you must still undertake best endeavours to pay the employees named in your application, at least 80 percent of their usual wages.
Employee phones and PAYE / FBT
The devil is in the detail and there are conditions around employees using mobile phones and how PAYE and FBT rules apply. Recently Inland Revenue provided an easy rule of thumb for employers to adopt.
Work. Sleep. Eat. Repeat?
Working harder is not always smarter. Burnout is common among business owners and staff who are pushed to the limits. Ultimately, it’s not good for business or your personal life to be burning the candle at both ends. But how on earth are you expected to fit it all in?! Find a better balance with these helpful hacks.
The busy person’s guide to stress-free performance reviews
How well are your staff performing? Do they love their job? Performance reviews, an open two-way conversation held once or twice a year, are a great way to find out. While you’re not legally bound to do appraisals, they’re a great tool to keep your business running smoothly.
Why closing the gender pay gap is good for business
While the gender pay gap is smaller than a decade ago, a collection of top New Zealand business people are working hard to reduce it further.
Recruiting new staff? Start with a plan
Bringing on a new staff member is an exciting time for any business. We can help you with your recruitment plan, budget and your compliance obligations as an employer.