Looking to sell? Add value to your business prior to an exit
Thinking about selling your business? Before you put the company on the market, it’s vital to go through a process of adding additional value to the business. We’ll help make sure you're running a tight ship.
Should you sell your rental property?
After a boom year of house price growth, is now the perfect time to sell your rental property and cash up? We look at the reasons to exit the market – and the reasons to keep holding.
Wests | An iconic investment
After time spent working in Asia, Angela and Craig McFarlane felt a pull to return to their Dunedin roots. Moore Markhams’ Callum Hayde helped them become the proud owners of drink, cordial and syrup producer, Wests – one of NZ’s oldest companies.
Tax due diligence when buying or selling
For many business owners, a break over summer is an opportunity to evaluate their future strategy and consider whether it is time to exit, or conversely, grow by purchasing someone else’s business. Whether buying or selling, it is a demanding exercise.
Should you help your child to buy a house?
Can you afford to become the Bank of Mum and Dad and help your child buy a house? There are plenty of ways to assist, from a gift to a loan to rent-free cohabitation – which one could be right for you?
Goodwill: what’s it worth?
Is goodwill valuable? How do you put a price on it? And how much is your business’s goodwill worth to a buyer?
Do you need better access to funding?
If you want to strengthen your capital position, now’s the time to act and to start thinking about your funding needs as a company. Talk to us about creating a funding strategy.
Thinking of buying a business? Things to consider
Looking to buy a business? Good independent advice will ensure you make an informed investment. We can give you assistance in analysing the financial performance and potential of the business, so you can make the best decision possible.
Restructuring or selling your business? We can help
With a completely different business landscape in front of us, business owners are under increasing strain. If you are being kept up at night deciding what the best strategy is, get in touch. We are here to help.
What you need to consider when buying a business
Looking to buy a business? Good independent advice will ensure you make an informed investment. We can help you analyse the financial performance and potential of the business, so you can make the best decision possible.
Succession planning for small businesses
It’s a good idea to think about your succession plan long before you need to sell. With a plan in place, you can maximise the value of the business and achieve a better outcome.
Purchase price allocation needs consideration
Buying or selling a business is a significant decision, and commonly involves vendor and purchaser negotiations on many aspects of the transaction.