June 2024

Charities Deregistration Tax on Assets

A recent law change has been passed by Parliament impacting charity deregistration tax rules.When a charity is removed from the Charities Register, they may need to pay de-registration tax.

Incorporated Societies Webinar Recap

Jackson Russell was pleased to host a free short webinar to help you understand how the new Act will affect incorporated societies and what needs to be done to re-register by 5 April 2026.

Discover Moore: Secondment adventure to Moore Japan

Travelling the world or adventure might not be the first things that come to mind when choosing a career in professional services. However, for Jonathan Naysmith, Assistant Audit Manager at Moore Markhams, it was front of mind when he started looking for the right start to his audit career.

Make Waste History - Client Profile

We recently caught up with our client Vinnie Callister, the founder of event waste management company Waste Wizards, who has recently embarked on a new venture with the launch of his charity Make Waste History. This initiative aims to address the various costs associated with waste in New Zealand, beyond just the financial aspect.

Changes to the Residential Property Bright-line Rules

Along with changes to the interest deductibility rules, legislation has been passed which repeals the current bright-line tests, replacing them with a new (or old) 2-year test.

Automation and Accounting

All too often we get into a routine without stepping back and considering why we are doing things. The same goes with our accounting systems and processes. Your finance team is probably busy keeping on top of their day-to-day workloads but has consideration been given to how productivity can be improved through the use of readily available software?

Changes to GST for the Platform Economy

In March 2023, legislation in relation to the platform economy was passed, affecting the GST treatment of services made through an electronic marketplace from 1 April 2024. We saw something similar back in 2019, where the GST rules on imported goods were amended to treat operators of online marketplaces as liable for returning GST, as opposed to individual sellers. Now the rules are being expanded to include listed services, such as accommodation, ride-sharing services and food delivery services.